Sunday, April 4, 2010


Happy Easter Y'all! My very first memory of Easter is me at four years old asking my Mom where the Easter Bunny could have possibly stashed my chocolate and jelly bean filled verification of human existence..and to my great surprise, the woman knew THE VERY SPOT! Realize, that I had not equated the she was the Easter Bunny, Santa and the Tooth Fairy combined! ( My Dad, who I love dearly, was not as fully supportive of my youthful fantasies... He was, ironically, fascinated with television before cable was even invented...and that is a completely different blog! The man can watch golf..........scary!) As I reached my teenage years, is it any wonder that they had a hard time living up to that previous glory? Not to mention that I had become a spoiled little snit who made my parents daily lives a living hell. So when I think of Easter, I think of the perpetual pedestal that I put my parents on, and how they tried to live up to that kind of adulation, and that they love me as I love them, and for that I am endlessly grateful. Parents really are the greatest gift. Happy Easter everyone! Mostly, hugs and kisses to my mom and pop. You really are the best!


  1. Hey, golf isn't so bad to watch on t.v. Beats Oxygen anyday. But you're right, your parents are pretty awesome. Everyone is jealous of my blue camouflage blanket and pillow that nana made me. a.

  2. Hey sis.... you should keep up the blogging, you are good at it!! VERY VERY VERY GOOD! I was thinking about Grandma George the other day and finding the white chocolate bunnys in her closet in the dining room one year, and being excited about eating them, come Sunday!
