Friday, April 9, 2010


I must have these memories from childhood for a reason. Most of them are pleasant enough and just too hilarious not to share. Like the time my dad was bringing in a birthday cake for my sister. Since she was born on Feb 15, we always kinda had a valentines theme. This cake was a layered double chocolate killer in the shape of a heart. Maybe it was fate, or maybe putting the Law of Attraction into motion..but just as my Mom hollered.."Whatever you do Al, don't drop the cake!" I turned around to see the thing tumble (slow motion mind you) to the garage floor. We had a lot of moments like that. Our family was very average in the fact that wacky was the norm. I remember my mom telling me that ninety percent of families are dysfunctional, and breathing a sigh of relief because I really thought ours was the only one who had a 3 year old who bit her own arm. She did this at least 3 times a day, for attention, to quell a rising rage, or just to make a point . She even posed for pictures that way. It was normal to see self inflicted bite marks on her forearm as she scampered off to school. They were usually matched up with a flow of tears or a solid red glare. Since drawing attention to drama caused more of it, I was resigned to shake my head and be grateful she wasn't biting me. Thank's for caring enough Tiff, and only biting the ones you love!

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