Saturday, January 12, 2013


Christmas is the time of year that pomposity reigns supreme in my family. My sheer awe of my rogue sisters perpetual facebook status updates is living proof that dysfunction still rules. As she continually creates the facade that all is well, ( indeed, perfect would be more accurate ) she is one small step away from spending the beginning of the new year on the 4th floor at Swedes, ordering bland hospital foods and chain smoking with other mentally ill malcontents. I am still floored that we shared the same parents and similar upbringing, and even more stunned that we may share DNA. My personal theory is that Marlin Perkins dropped her off as a cruel experiment, unfortunately, this is not likely. As much as I love my family, I can honestly say that I would not recommend even WADING in my gene pool. My Christmas wish is that my sister would have a dawning of reality and that I would not be required to hit her in the mouth to bring it about.

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